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    Dementia Diet        Taking Control of Alzheimer's
      The Path to Better Health
Lifestyle: Foods, Eating Tips and Habits
Nutrition Review

Take high potency Vitaminsminerals and supplements  every day (using reliable and safe sources)

      Consume Omega 3s - it's essential for brain functioning - conversely, maintain a healthy ratio of omega-3/omega-6 and avoid foods high in omega-6 like soy products

  Best choice: 1000-3000 mg/day of EPA with 1000-1300 mg/day of DHA. 
Six ounces of salmon has 100 times more omega-3 than is in a serving of fortified yogurt. Vegetarians could consider algae-derived omega-3 supplements.
Fish oil can be an excellent source - check the label to make sure amounts of EPA and DHA are sufficient

N.B. - A recent widely published study concluded that use of "omega 3" does not improve the course of AD progression nor cognitive functions. It should be noted that the study used only DHA omega 3 and did not include EPA omega 3. It also did not include an antioxidant, which the authors concluded could be an important factor. Other studies have concluded the combination of EPA with DHA as outlined, not only improves AD management, but increases brain volume. Of particular note is that omega 3s are still vital for daily living and general health.

Eat Foods that Support Glutathione Production - Glutathion is the "Master Detoxifier" it helps regulate the immune system and controls inflammation

 Optimizing Glutathione Levels - 9 Tips   

 Take Glutathione Supporting Supplements

Daily Fiber  get enoughtry to get 30 to 50 grams of soluble fiber into your diet every day. Soluble fiber is crucial for good health. It is found in fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and most whole grains. The bacteria in your gut metabolizes the soluble fiber in these foods which produces health benefits.

 Soluble fiber can help lower cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin, prevent cancer, balance hormone levels, make vitamins and minerals, provide food for the colon cells, and more. Bran (wheat fiber) is mostly insoluble and doesn't get digested. That's good for getting you regular, but it just can't help your health the way that soluble fiber can.

Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil - contains oleocanthal, it inhibits the ability of the toxic proteins (ADDLs) that contribute to Alzheimer's and damage nerves in the brain. Do not use over high heat  e.g. -  for sautéing; instead use coconut oil

Drink moderately Recent research discovered that light to moderate drinking had a protective effect against Alzheimer's disease, especially among women who were nonsmokers. Red wine, which contains resveratrol, is a best choice 

Eat Organic and Free-Range foods whenever possible - organic foods are never genetically modified and are free of farmer supplied pesticides and hormones. The grains that dairy cows eat are heavily treated with chemicals, which have a residual presence in milk and dairy products. (Milk may also contain bovine growth hormone and antibiotics) 

Try to make 51% of each meal composed of raw, organic foods

If not consuming organic produce, the Worst and Best Pesticides produce list include:

 Dirtiest foods for Pesticides (thin skinned). For safety, spray with solution of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water, then rinse before consuming.

   Cleanest foods for Pesticides (thick skinned)

Top Food Choices

Foods to Avoid (or limit)          

One cannot over-emphasize health problems generated by 
high blood glucose levels 

        also excess omega 6 fats *

   Unfermented soy -- the type found in soymilk, soy burgers, soy ice cream and even    tofu -- is not a health food. Use caution in using soy products unless they are organic and fermented. The great majority of soy products on the market today are neither - they contain too much of inflammatory omega 6sCheck labels of foods where you would not even think of soy being  included in the product. 
   Edamame (young soybeans in the pod) and Miso soup are OK soy.

                   Eating summary - > Eat food, not too much, mostly plants


 Exercise - use your fuel - food is fuel. Get exercise regularly, at least 3x/week, including weight resistance. Also boosts your glutathione levels 
   The University of Virginia school of Medicine studied  the daily walking habits of 2000 men aged 71 to 93  and then tested for dementia. They found that 

"Those who walked less than a quarter mile a day were nearly twice as likely to 
develop dementia as those who walked more than two miles a day."

  Brisk walking is near as effective as intense cardiovascular routines. Start slow and buildup to 30 minutes a day of vigorous aerobic exercise like walking or jogging, or play  
 various sports. Strength training for 20 minutes, 3 times a week is also helpful. There is universal agreement on the positive value of exercise in the management and prevention of AD.

Activities - besides phyiscal exercises, using the brain in a variety of ways has been proven to mitigate the effects of AD and dementia. The activities should be active rather than passive. Active activities include mind games, cross word puzzles, reading, taking classes (learning) or something as simple as quilting. Watching TV is passive and if watched excessive can increase the likelihood of getting AD.

 Meditate daily - studies show that meditating at least 20 minutes/day improves memory and reduces stress which contributes to AD. (There are various other  meditation techniques of variable lengths of time).

 Mirth - make time for Dance, Music and Laughter - all have beneficial effects on the brain. Read and do puzzles. Do not watch TV more than 5 hours/day.

 Do not smoke the October 2010 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine reported results of a 23 year study that compared to nonsmokers; 
 those who smoked more than two packs a day had a 114 percent increased risk of dementia, a 157 percent increased risk of Alzheimer's disease, and a 172 percent greater risk of vascular dementia, the second most common form after AD. The increase in risk is not limited to heavy smokers. 
* Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. Consult your physician before taking any vitamins or supplements or making any significant dietary changes.